This may start to sound a bit dramatic, but my life actually changed instantly. How and why? Because I realized that I was lucky enough to be sitting in front of an expert with unique experience and a scientific plan to get me where I desperately wanted to be. So what did I do? Instead of disregarding him, or doing it half -assed, or sabotaging myself, I decided to trust him and grab this opportunity to try his plan exactly as he prescribed from the moment I left his office.
Luckily for me, the prescription did not involve measuring, counting, or anything time consuming or fussy. Instead Justin outlined the four principles of success; Quality, Quantity, Frequency & Timing. Learn them, embrace them, live them and get lean. Life can be so simple and satisfying after all. Justin’s QQFT Principles are now available in an E-book here. QQFT is only $39.95!!
The fat loss came fast and furious, but this is no short term nutrition program, it is a way of life and I continue to follow Justin’s QQFT Principles today. I have maintained my 60lb fat loss for over a year and a half!
If you’d like to have a similar personalized experience like I did and have someone look into your eyes as you make the big decision to change your life, skype sessions with a Lab nutritionist are possible. I recommend you download the book first and then schedule a follow up session to ask questions and help you personalize the plan to your preferences and lifestyle. Regular follow up sessions might be just the accountability you need to keep yourself on track. These guys are living the QQFT lifestyle themselves and they are very professional and supportive.
Please let me know how QQFT goes for you!